My Life as a Precinct Captain

This blog will chronicle my adventures as the precinct woman for Precinct 437, Orange County, Florida, and Lake Nona NTL for OFA, leading up to the November 6, 2012 Election.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Treasure Hunt

I have two Obama bumper stickers and a window decal on my car. Wendy took the challenge of finding more appropriately decorated cars in Central Florida and came up with a 3-sticker car within 48 hours. Wendy is a star! As is the owner of the car!

While I have no expectations of privacy, I took Wendy's advise to cover my license plate before posting a picture of my car on Facebook. I used a print of  Bo, the Obama family dog, scampering across the White House lawn as camouflage. I was wondering was use to make of this picture, sent to me by the Democratic National Committee in recognition of my stalwart support and modest contribution.

Here is the Treasure Hunt challenge to all my fellow Obama supporters. Take pictures of cars with bumper stickers, decals and other Obama campaign signs and post them to your Facebook page. Let's encourage more people to show where they stand in this crucial election. I'm In.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

My Orlando Tribe

As Seth Godin would say, I have found my tribe in Orlando. Last night I attended a big fundraiser for the Orange County Democratic Executive Committee. I was a member of the Host Committee. When I entered the large and noisy room, I recognized a lot of people. A lot of people recognized me. I stayed 1-1/2 hours, for me a long time for socializing with a large crowd. I talked to Jessica, Nancy, Rod, Wendy, Jenna, Susannah, Joe, Carlos, Susan, Vivian, another Nancy and her husband, and many others. I did all this without calling in my avatar to help me out. Amazing.